Dhanush, the popular actor-director-producer in the Tamil film industry, recently went through a divorce. After separating from his wife, Aishwarya Rajnikanth, Dhanush has been interacting with her in a friendly manner. A friend of Dhanush asked him what his response was when Aishwarya asked him if he still loved her. Dhanush gave an interesting answer.
Dhanush’s Divorce
Dhanush and Aishwarya Rajnikanth, the daughter of Tamil superstar Rajnikanth, tied the knot in 2004. After being married for 15 years, the couple filed for divorce in 2018. The divorce was finalized in November 2020.
Post-Divorce Interaction
Despite their divorce, Dhanush and Aishwarya have maintained a friendly relationship. They have been spotted together on several occasions, and Dhanush has even spoken about their relationship in interviews.
Aishwarya’s Response
In one of their post-divorce interactions, Aishwarya asked Dhanush if he still loved her. Dhanush was taken aback by the question but chose not to answer it directly.
A Friend’s Question
A friend of Dhanush was curious to know what his response was to Aishwarya’s question. He asked Dhanush what he had said in reply.
Dhanush’s Answer
Dhanush responded to his friend’s question with a humorous answer. He said that he had told Aishwarya that a friend of his had asked him the same question.
Aishwarya’s Reaction
Aishwarya was amused by Dhanush’s response. She appreciated the wit and humor in his reply and said that it was a fitting response.
Dhanush and Aishwarya’s post-divorce interaction is a testament to their commitment to maintaining a friendly relationship despite their separation. Their exchange shows that they are still on good terms, which is a positive sign for their future.