After marriage, Bhojpuris Lulia Nidhi Jhas and her husband Yash Kumar recently shared a photo of themselves on social media, in which they appeared in a no makeup look. The special moment was captured and has been shared by the couple and their families. The photo has been widely appreciated by their friends and family, who have showered them with love and support.
Bride’s First Photo After Marriage
The bride, Lulia Nidhi Jhas, is a Bhojpuri singer and dancer, who recently tied the knot with Yash Kumar. The couple has been sharing photos from their wedding on social media, and the latest one is Lulia’s first photo after marriage. The photo shows the couple in a no makeup look and has been widely appreciated by their friends and family.
Bhojpuris Lulia Nidhi Jhas Photo with Husband
The photo shows Lulia and Yash in a no makeup look. The couple looks beautiful in their traditional clothes and jewellery. The photo has been shared by the couple on their social media platforms, and has been widely appreciated by their friends and family.
Yash Kumar Appeared in Front of the Camera
Yash Kumar, the groom, is a Bhojpuri actor and singer. He recently appeared in front of the camera with his bride, Lulia, in a no makeup look. The photo has been widely appreciated by their friends and family, who have showered them with love and support.
No Makeup Look for the Bride and Groom
The couple decided to go for a no makeup look for their first photo after marriage. The photo shows the couple in their traditional clothes and jewellery, and has been widely appreciated by their friends and family.
Capturing the Special Moment
The special moment was captured and has been shared by the couple and their families. The photo has been widely appreciated by their friends and family, who have showered them with love and support.
After Marriage Bliss
The couple looks beautiful in the photo, and it is clear that they are enjoying their after marriage bliss. The photo has been widely appreciated by their friends and family, who have showered them with love and support.
The couple has been sharing photos from their wedding on social media, and the latest one is Lulia’s first photo after marriage. The photo shows the couple in a no makeup look and has been widely appreciated by their friends and family. The couple looks beautiful in the photo, and it is