Bollywood star Alia Bhatt is all set to return to work after her marriage. The actress will be shooting her upcoming movie in Rajasthan. She is excited to be back on set and is looking forward to the experience. Here is a look at what to expect from the film and the preparations for the shoot.
Alia Bhatt’s Return to Work
Alia Bhatt is one of the most successful and versatile actresses in Bollywood. She has won numerous awards for her acting and has been a part of some of the biggest blockbusters. After a long break due to the pandemic, Alia is finally set to return to work.
Marriage Plans Set Aside
Alia was recently engaged to her long-time boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor. The couple was supposed to get married in 2021 but has delayed the wedding due to the pandemic. Alia has decided to put her marriage plans on hold and focus on her career.
Upcoming Film In Rajasthan
Alia will be shooting her upcoming movie in Rajasthan. The movie is a romantic comedy and is set in the deserts of Rajasthan. Alia will be seen playing the lead role in the film.
Alia Bhatt’s Excitement
Alia is excited to be back on set and has been preparing for the shoot. She recently shared a picture of her in a traditional Rajasthani outfit and said she was looking forward to the experience.
What to Expect From the Film
The movie is set to be a light-hearted romantic comedy. It will feature Alia and her co-star in a series of funny and romantic scenes. The movie is expected to be a hit at the box office.
Preparations for the Shoot
The team is busy making preparations for the shoot. The team is scouting for locations and is making arrangements for the cast and crew. The team is expected to start shooting by the end of the year.
Alia Bhatt is all set to return to work after her marriage. She will be shooting her upcoming movie in Rajasthan. The movie is expected to be a hit at the box office and the team is making preparations for the shoot. Alia is excited to be back on set and is looking forward to the experience.