Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain is a popular Indian television sitcom that has aired since 2015. It revolves around two neighboring couples, Angoori Bhabi and Manmohan Tiwari, and Anita and Vibhuti Narayan Mishra, who live in Kanpur. Recently, viewers were shocked when Aasif Sheikh, who plays the role of Manmohan Tiwari, made a startling comment when Angoori Bhabi left the show. Read on to learn more about the controversy.
1. Introduction
Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain is an Indian television sitcom that has been running since 2015. It revolves around two neighboring couples, Angoori Bhabhi and Manmohan Tiwari, and Anita and Vibhuti Narayan Mishra, who live in Kanpur. The show is known for its hilarious plots and characters. Recently, viewers were shocked when Aasif Sheikh, who plays the role of Manmohan Tiwari, made a startling comment when Angoori Bhabhi left the show.
2. Aasif Sheikh’s Shocking Comment
When Angoori Bhabhi left the show, Aasif Sheikh said in an interview that he was relieved that Shubhangi Atre, the actress who plays Angoori Bhabhi, was leaving the show. He said that he had been unhappy with her performance and her attitude towards her co-stars. He added that the show was much better off without her.
3. Reason Behind Angoori Bhabhi’s Exit
It was later revealed that Shubhangi Atre had left the show due to personal reasons. She had been facing personal issues and was unable to focus on the show. She had also been facing health issues and was unable to continue her work.
4. Reactions of Fans
Fans of the show were shocked and angry when they heard Aasif Sheikh’s comments. They felt that his comments were uncalled for and that he should have been more respectful towards his co-star. They also felt that he should have kept his opinions to himself and not made them public.
5. Impact of Angoori Bhabhi’s Departure
The departure of Shubhangi Atre had a huge impact on the show. Her character, Angoori Bhabhi, was one of the most popular characters on the show and her departure left a void. Her absence was felt by viewers and the show’s ratings dropped significantly.