The reality show Bigg Boss 16 has been making headlines lately due to the growing tension between its contestants. One such tension has been between the families of two of the show’s participants Shalin Bhanot and Tina Dutta and the father of another contestant, Sumbul Touqueer. In this article, we will look into the reasons behind the family’s reaction and what it means for the show.
Shalin Bhanot & Tina Dutta’s Family
Shalin Bhanot and Tina Dutta are two of the contestants on the Bigg Boss 16 show. Both of them come from families with strong values and are seen as role models in their respective communities. The families of both Shalin and Tina have been very supportive of their participation in the show and have been vocal in their support of them.
Sumbul Touqueer’s Father
Sumbul Touqueer is another contestant on Bigg Boss 16. Her father, however, has been the source of much controversy on the show. He has been accused of making derogatory remarks about the other contestants and their families, which has caused a lot of tension between the contestants and their families.
Family’s Reaction
The families of Shalin and Tina have been very vocal in their disapproval of Sumbul’s father’s behaviour and have expressed their anger and disappointment at his actions. The families have also called for his removal from the show and have threatened to boycott it if he is not removed.
Reasons Behind Reactions
The families of Shalin and Tina are angered by the fact that Sumbul’s father has been allowed to stay on the show despite his offensive behaviour. They feel that he should not be allowed to stay on the show as his behaviour is not in line with the values that the show stands for. They are also angered by the fact that despite their protests, the show’s producers have not taken any action against him.
The tension between the families of Shalin Bhanot and Tina Dutta and Sumbul Touqueer’s father has been growing over the past few weeks and it remains to be seen how the show’s producers will handle the situation. It is clear, however, that the families of Shalin and Tina will not be happy until Sumbul’s father is removed from the show.
The situation between the families of Shalin Bhanot and Tina Dutta and S