The release of the teaser of Chittam Maharani on Vishwaksen’s hands has been met with an unexpected response from the public. This upcoming Telugu movie is an action-packed drama directed by Kallu and produced by Vishwaksen under the banner of A.R.C. Productions.
Background Information
Chittam Maharani is set in the backdrop of a village in Telangana and focuses on the story of a young man who fights against all odds to save his village. The movie will feature Vishwaksen in the lead role along with a stellar cast including Prakash Raj, Srinivasa Reddy, and Akshay. The film is slated to be released in summer 2021.
Vishwaksen’s Unexpected Response
Vishwaksen was initially hesitant about releasing the teaser of Chittam Maharani on his hands. However, the response he received was unexpected. After the teaser was released, he received an overwhelming response from the public, with many praising the teaser and expressing their anticipation for the movie’s release.
Teaser Release
The teaser of Chittam Maharani was released on Vishwaksen’s hands on April 7, 2021. The teaser was well-received by the audience, who praised the visuals and the storyline. The teaser has been viewed more than one million times on YouTube and has been trending on social media.
Chittam Maharani
Chittam Maharani is an action-packed drama directed by Kallu and produced by Vishwaksen under the banner of A.R.C. Productions. The movie will feature Vishwaksen in the lead role along with a stellar cast including Prakash Raj, Srinivasa Reddy, and Akshay. The story follows the journey of a young man who fights against all odds to save his village.
Public Reaction
The public response to the teaser of Chittam Maharani has been overwhelmingly positive. Many have praised the visuals and the storyline, while also expressing their anticipation for the movie’s release. The teaser has been viewed more than one million times on YouTube and has been trending on social media.
Plans for Release
The makers of Chittam Maharani are planning to release the movie in the summer of 2021. The release date is yet to be announced. The movie is expected to be a blockbuster hit and will surely be one of the most-awaited films of the year.
Chittam Maharani is