The Tamil action movie Surya Mass Rampage, starring Surya and directed by Hari, has recently been released in theatres. The movie follows the story of an ex-military officer who embarks on a mission to save the country from a terrorist group. The film has been receiving a lot of attention from moviegoers, and the public is keen to know what the audience reactions to the movie are. In this article, we will look at the audience reactions to the film, as well as the Twitter reviews of Surya Mass Rampage.
Overview of Surya Mass Rampage
Surya Mass Rampage is an action-packed movie starring Surya as the lead. The movie follows the story of an ex-military officer who is on a mission to save his country from a terrorist group. The movie is filled with thrilling action sequences, and the story is engaging and fast-paced. The film also features some of the most stunning visuals seen in recent Tamil cinema, and the soundtrack is also quite impressive.
Audience Reactions to Movie
The audience reactions to Surya Mass Rampage have been overwhelmingly positive. Moviegoers have praised the movie for its non-stop action, stunning visuals, and gripping story. The performances of the lead actors have also been highly praised, with many calling it one of Surya’s best performances to date. The movie has also been praised for its timely message and its exploration of the complex political situation in the country.
Twitter Reviews of Surya Mass Rampage
The movie has also been receiving a lot of attention on social media, particularly on Twitter. Twitter users have been sharing their thoughts on the movie, and the reviews have been mostly positive. Many have praised the movie for its thrilling action sequences, gripping story, and stunning visuals. Others have praised the performances of the lead actors, particularly Surya’s.
Positive Reactions to the Movie
The positive reactions to the movie have been overwhelming. Many have praised the movie for its thrilling action sequences, stunning visuals, and gripping story. The performances of the lead actors have also been praised, with many calling it one of Surya’s best performances to date. The movie has also been praised for its timely message and its exploration of the complex political situation in the country.
Negative Reactions to the Movie
The negative reactions to the movie have been few and far between. Some have criticized the movie for its over-the-top action sequences, which some have deemed to be too excessive.