Karan Johar, the celebrated filmmaker, has become a father of two adorable children in the recent years. His son, Yash, is four years old and has already become a star on the internet. Yash’s screen test video, taken by his father, has been going viral on social media. Here is a look at the audition story and its impact.
Karan Johar’s 4-Year-Old Son
Karan Johar, who is known for his directorial ventures in the Hindi film industry, is the proud father of two children, Yash and Roohi. Yash, who is four years old, is the elder of the two. He has been making appearances on Karan’s social media account since his birth.
Yash’s Screen Test Video
Recently, Karan decided to take Yash’s screen test to check his acting skills. The video was shot in Karan’s office and it featured Yash enacting a few dialogues. Karan was seen asking Yash to say his lines, which the four-year-old delivered with confidence.
The Video Going Viral
The video of Yash’s screen test was shared by Karan on social media and it quickly went viral. It was viewed and shared by many fans and followers. The adorable video of Yash’s screen test caught the attention of many people and it quickly became a talking point on the internet.
The Audition Story
Karan shared the story behind the audition on social media. He said that he was initially hesitant about taking Yash’s screen test, but he wanted to see if the four-year-old had any acting skills. He asked Yash to deliver some dialogues and the little boy delivered them with confidence.
Karan Johar’s Response
Karan was pleased with Yash’s performance and he said that he was very proud of his son. He also said that he was amazed by Yash’s confidence and he was sure that the little boy was going to be a great actor one day.
The Impact of the Video
The video of Yash’s screen test has been viewed by many people and it has had a positive impact. It has inspired many parents to encourage their children to pursue their dreams. It has also given hope to aspiring actors who want to make a mark in the entertainment industry.
Karan Johar’s video of his four-year-old son’s screen test has become a huge hit