On January 22, 2021, Karishma Tanna and Varun Bangera tied the knot in a beautiful traditional ceremony in Mumbai. The couple’s wedding was a star-studded affair, attended by close family and friends, and the pictures and videos from the wedding have gone viral on social media.
Karishma Tanna & Varun Bangera: The Wedding
The wedding of Karishma Tanna and Varun Bangera took place on January 22, 2021, in Mumbai. The couple had a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony, with the bride and groom dressed in traditional Indian attire. The ceremony was attended by close family and friends, and the couple was showered with love and blessings from everyone present.
Details of the Wedding
The wedding was a lavish affair, with the venue decorated with traditional Indian motifs and colors. The ceremony was conducted according to Hindu rituals, with the bride and groom taking the seven pheras, exchanging garlands and tying the knot. After the ceremony, a grand reception followed, where the couple was welcomed with a shower of flowers.
Karishma Tanna & Varun Bangera’s Wedding Photos & Videos
The pictures and videos from the wedding went viral on social media, with the couple looking beautiful in their traditional attire. The pictures showed the couple exchanging garlands, taking the seven pheras and taking blessings from the elders. The videos showed the couple’s friends and family showering them with love and blessings.
Wedding Reception Followed by Viral Response
The wedding reception was attended by many celebrities, including Karishma Tanna’s co-stars from her TV show Naagin. The couple was showered with love and blessings from everyone present, and the pictures and videos from the reception went viral on social media.
Social Media Reacts to Karishma Tanna & Varun Bangera Wedding
The wedding of Karishma Tanna and Varun Bangera garnered a lot of attention on social media, with people wishing the couple a lifetime of happiness and love. Fans of the couple have been sharing their pictures and videos from the wedding and wishing them all the best.
Memorable Moments from the Wedding
The wedding of Karishma Tanna and Varun Bangera was a beautiful affair, with the couple looking stunning in their traditional Indian attire. The couple’s friends and family showered them with love and blessings, and the pictures and videos from the wedding have gone