Karthikeya 2 is the sequel to the 2014 Telugu film, Karthikeya. Directed by Chandoo Mondeti, the film stars Nikhil Siddharth, Lavanya Tripathi, and Rao Ramesh. The official trailer of Karthikeya 2 was released recently on social media, giving viewers a glimpse into the film’s plot, cast and crew, music, and cinematography.
Karthikeya 2: Official Trailer 1
The official trailer of Karthikeya 2 was released on April 11, 2021. The trailer starts with a voiceover by Rao Ramesh, introducing the concept of Karthikeya 2. It then moves on to show the characters of the film, including Nikhil Siddharth, Lavanya Tripathi, and Rao Ramesh. The trailer also reveals the plot of the film, which revolves around a mysterious temple and the secrets it holds.
Highlighting the Cast and Crew of the Film
The film stars Nikhil Siddharth as Karthikeya, the protagonist, and Lavanya Tripathi as Chitra, the female lead. It also stars Rao Ramesh as Lord Shiva, the deity of the temple. The film is directed by Chandoo Mondeti, who has previously directed the Telugu films Premam and Savyasachi. The music of the film is composed by Vivek Sagar.
Plot of the Film
The film revolves around a mysterious temple, the secrets it holds, and the people who are trying to uncover them. Karthikeya, the protagonist, is on a mission to uncover the secrets of the temple and protect it from forces that wish to harm it. The film follows his journey as he tries to unravel the mysteries of the temple.
Music and Cinematography
The music for the film is composed by Vivek Sagar. The music is a mix of traditional, folk, and contemporary styles. The cinematography for the film is handled by Karthik Ghattamaneni and the editing is done by Sreejith Sarang.
Audience Reception
The trailer of Karthikeya 2 has been well-received by viewers. Many viewers have praised the visuals, music, and plot of the film. The trailer has also garnered a lot of attention from the Telugu film industry.