Recently an uproar has been created in the entertainment industry after the renowned film critic Kamaal R Khan, popularly known as KRK, claimed that the new poster of the upcoming movie Pathaan is stolen. He further added that the copywood will never improve. This has created a huge controversy with people taking sides in the matter.
Krk Claims Poster of Pathaan is Stolen
KRK recently took to his Twitter account and posted the new poster of the upcoming movie Pathaan, claiming that the poster is stolen. He further accused the makers of the film of stealing the poster from a film called The Babysitter which released in 2017.
Evidence to Support Claim
KRK posted the new poster of Pathaan along with the poster of The Babysitter on Twitter, claiming that the two were similar. He further posted side-by-side comparison of the two posters. The comparison showed that the two posters had similarities in terms of the text, colour palette, and the background.
Copywood Will Never Improve
KRK also accused the makers of the film of copying the poster from The Babysitter and said that copywood will never improve in India. He also said that the makers of the film should be ashamed of themselves for stealing the poster.
Reactions to Claim
The claim by KRK created a huge uproar in the entertainment industry with people taking sides in the matter. Some people agreed with KRK’s claim and accused the makers of the film of stealing the poster. Others, however, accused KRK of starting unnecessary controversies and said that the similarity between the two posters was a mere coincidence.
Impact of the Claim
The claim by KRK has put the makers of the film in a difficult situation. Many people have started questioning the integrity of the film and its makers. The controversy has also affected the pre-release promotions of the film as many people have started boycotting it.
Pathaan’s Response
The makers of the film have not yet responded to KRK’s claim. However, many people have come out in support of the makers and said that the similarity between the two posters was merely a coincidence.
The controversy has created a huge uproar in the entertainment industry with people taking sides in the matter. It remains to be seen what the makers of the film have to say about the claim by KRK and if the claim has any truth to it.