The music maestro Mani Ratnam has launched the Tamil album of Atrangi Re, a musical extravaganza starring Akshay Kumar, Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush. The album, released on 10th March 2021, is a musical journey that captures the story of love between the three lead characters in the film.
Akshay, Sara, Dhanush Unite for Mani Ratnam’s Album
The album, which is the first of its kind in the Tamil film industry, is a collaboration of Akshay, Sara and Dhanush who come together for the first time for a film. The album was released by Mani Ratnam in a special online event, where he spoke about his vision for the film and the album.
Music Maestro Mani Ratnam’s Latest Offering
Mani Ratnam, who has given us some of the greatest musicals in the Tamil film industry, has once again taken us on a musical journey with Atrangi Re. The album is a collection of six songs, each of which captures the story of love between the three characters.
Atrangi Re – A Musical Journey
The album takes us on a journey of love, friendship and heartbreak between the three protagonists. The album is composed by AR Rahman and written by Irshad Kamil. It features some of the most popular singers of the Tamil music industry such as Shreya Ghoshal, Arijit Singh, Sid Sriram and Nakash Aziz.
Akshay, Sara and Dhanush in a Musical Extravaganza
The album features Akshay, Sara and Dhanush in their lead roles, singing some of the most popular songs of the Tamil music industry. The songs in the album are a mix of romantic and peppy numbers, where the three characters come together to create a perfect combination of music and emotions.
Music that Captures the Story of Love
The songs in the album capture the story of love between the three characters in the film. The songs are written by Irshad Kamil, who has given us some of the most beautiful lyrics in the Tamil film industry. The songs are composed by AR Rahman and sung by some of the most popular singers of the Tamil music industry.
Mani Ratnam’s Magical Musical Tale
The album is a magical musical tale that captures the story of love between Akshay, Sara and Dhanush. The songs are composed by AR Rahman and written by Irshad Kamil, and sung