The latest Allu Arjun movie, Pushpa, released on August 13th, 2020, has been a smashing success at the box office. In just five days, the movie has grossed an impressive 203 crores globally. Read on to know more about Pushpa’s 5-day collection report and its global performance.
Pushpa’s 5-Day Collection Report
Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna’s Pushpa has been the talk of the town since its release. The movie has had a spectacular run at the box office, with a 5-day collection of 203 crore. The movie is said to have earned approximately 18 crore on its opening day, with the numbers increasing exponentially over the next four days.
Allu Arjun’s Pushpa Grosses 203 Crore
Allu Arjun’s Pushpa has grossed a staggering 203 crores in only five days. This is a remarkable feat considering the movie was released in the midst of the pandemic. The movie has managed to beat the odds and become one of the highest-grossing films of the year.
Worldwide Collection Success
The success of Pushpa can be attributed to its worldwide collection. The movie has been released in multiple languages, including Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam, and has been performing exceptionally well in all the languages. The movie has also been released in several international markets, including the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia, and has been doing well in these markets.
Pushpa’s Global Performance
Pushpa has been doing exceptionally well in all the markets it has been released in. The movie has earned a total of 203 crores in just five days, with the highest collections coming from the United States and the United Kingdom. The movie has also been performing well in the Indian markets, with the highest grossing markets being Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka.
Five Day Collection Overview
The five-day collection of Pushpa is as follows:
Day 1: 18 crore
Day 2: 30 crore
Day 3: 40 crore
Day 4: 50 crore
Day 5: 55 crore
Pushpa’s Record-Breaking Success
The success of Pushpa is nothing short of extraordinary. The movie has grossed 203 crores in just five days, making it one of the highest-grossing movies of the year. The movie has also set a record for the highest first-week gross of any Allu Arjun movie.