Actress Shruti Haasan recently announced on her social media that she had tested positive for COVID-19. This announcement has sent shockwaves among her fans and friends, who have expressed worry and concern for her health. As of now, the details of her condition have not been made public, but it is known that she is currently receiving treatment.
Shruti Haasan Tests Positive for COVID-19
Shruti Haasan, daughter of legendary actor Kamal Haasan, recently announced on her social media that she had tested positive for COVID-19. She made the announcement on her Twitter handle, saying that she was feeling unwell and had tested positive for the virus.
Announcement on Social Media
Shruti Haasan took to her Twitter handle to make the announcement. She wrote that she was feeling unwell and had tested positive for the virus. She also requested her fans and followers to take the necessary precautions and follow safety protocols.
Fans & Friends Express Shock and Worry
Shruti Haasan’s announcement was met with shock and worry from her fans and friends. Many of them expressed their concern for her health, and wished her a speedy recovery. Her father, Kamal Haasan, also expressed his concern for her health and urged her to take care of herself.
Details of Her Condition
As of now, the details of Shruti Haasan’s condition are not known. However, it is known that she is currently receiving treatment and is being monitored closely.
Treatment & Recovery
Shruti Haasan is currently receiving treatment and is being monitored closely. However, the details of her treatment and recovery plan have not been made public.
Positive Messages of Support
Shruti Haasan’s fans and friends have been sending her positive messages of support. They have been wishing her a speedy recovery and have been asking her to take care of herself.
Shruti Haasan’s announcement of testing positive for COVID-19 has sent shockwaves among her fans and friends. As of now, the details of her condition are not known, but it is known that she is currently receiving treatment and is being monitored closely. Her fans and friends have been sending her positive messages of support and wishing her a speedy recovery.