Sara Ali Khan and Ranbir Kapoor are two of the most popular Bollywood actors. Recently, the two have been making headlines for their upcoming movie together, and fans have been eagerly waiting for the release. But in the meantime, they have been sharing some of their best and most viral videos on social media. Here are the top 5 viral videos of entertainment Sara Ali Khan and Ranbir Kapoor have watched.
Viral Video #1
The first viral video was shared by Sara Ali Khan on her Instagram page. It was a short clip of the two actors dancing to the song “Tum Hi Ho” from the movie Aashiqui 2. The video showed Sara and Ranbir in a playful mood, enjoying the song and having a great time. This video quickly became one of the most watched and shared videos on social media.
Viral Video #2
The second viral video was shared by Ranbir Kapoor on his Instagram page. This video was a short clip of the two actors lip-syncing to the song “Tum Hi Ho” from the movie Aashiqui 2. It was a fun video that showed the two actors having a good time and enjoying the song. The video quickly became one of the most watched and shared videos on social media.
Viral Video #3
The third viral video was shared by Sara Ali Khan on her Instagram page. This video showed the two actors in a funny and playful mood. They were lip-syncing to the song “Tum Hi Ho” from the movie Aashiqui 2. The video was a fun one that showed the two actors having a great time and enjoying the song.
Viral Video #4
The fourth viral video was shared by Ranbir Kapoor on his Instagram page. This video showed the two actors dancing to the song “Tum Hi Ho” from the movie Aashiqui 2. The video was a fun one that showed the two actors having a great time and enjoying the song.
Viral Video #5
The fifth viral video was shared by Sara Ali Khan on her Instagram page. This video showed the two actors lip-syncing to the song “Tum Hi Ho” from the movie Aashiqui 2. The video was a fun one that showed the two actors having a great time and enjoying the song.
Sara Ali Khan and Ranbir Kapoor have become